Home » Oral Surgery » Revolutionize Your Smile With Teeth In A Day Dental Implant Treatment

Revolutionize Your Smile With Teeth In A Day Dental Implant Treatment

Are you tired of hiding your smile because of missing teeth or wearisome dentures? You’re not alone. Many people feel self-conscious about their smiles and wish for a quick, lasting fix.

Here’s an uplifting fact—Teeth in a Day dental implant treatment can give you natural-looking, fully functional teeth in just one day. This revolutionary procedure offers a faster path to restore your smile compared to traditional methods that can take months.

In this article, we will explore how Teeth in a Day dental implants work and why Precision Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the go-to place for this life-changing treatment. From Dr.

El-Ounsi’s expert care to our state-of-the-art facility, we’ll guide you through each step towards achieving the confident smile you deserve. Ready to transform your smile? Keep reading!

Key Takeaways

  • Teeth in a Day dental implant treatment gives you new, natural-looking teeth in just one visit.
  • Dr. Mohamed El – Ounsi at Precision Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery uses the latest technology for fast and successful smile transformations.
  • This procedure is great for people who have lost many teeth or wear dentures and want a more permanent solution.
  • Recovery from Teeth in a Day is quicker than with traditional dental methods, letting patients get back to their lives faster.
  • Payment plans are available to make this life – changing treatment affordable for everyone.

What is Teeth In A Day Dental Implant Treatment?

The photo depicts a happy patient with new dental implants.

Teeth in a Day is a fast way to get new teeth. This method fixes new chompers into your mouth in just one appointment.

Procedure overview

Getting new teeth in just one day might sound too good to be true, but with the Teeth-in-a-Day dental implant process, it’s a reality. This treatment changes lives by helping people smile confidently again. Here’s how it works:

  1. First, you’ll come in for a consultation where we talk about your dental health and goals. It’s all about understanding what you need and making sure this procedure is right for you.
  2. Next up, we schedule your surgery day. You won’t believe how fast and efficient the process is.
  3. On the big day, we start by removing any remaining damaged teeth to make way for your new smile. Think of it as clearing out the old to welcome the new.
  4. Then comes the exciting part – placing the implants. We insert 4 – 6 titanium screws per arch into your jawbone; these act as roots for your new teeth.
  5. Once the implants are in place, we attach a low – profile bridge to them. This is not just any bridge; it’s designed to look and feel like your natural teeth.
  6. After surgery, you won’t leave empty – mouthed! We fit temporary bridges so you can eat, talk, and smile as you normally would while your implants bond with your jawbone.
  7. Healing time varies from person to person but typically takes about four months. During this period, your implants integrate with your bone – it’s crucial for long-term stability.
  8. Finally, we replace those temporary bridges with permanent ones that are made just for you.

The whole Teeth-in-a-Day procedure allows patients to walk out on their surgery day not worrying about tooth loss anymore – ready to flash their new set of pearly whites.

Moving on – let’s discuss why Precision Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is your go-to place for this life-changing treatment!

Benefits of the treatment

Get natural-looking teeth in just one day with Teeth In A Day dental implant treatment. These aren’t regular dentures. They’re fixed in place and won’t move when you eat or talk. This method changes the game for anyone sick of loose dentures or missing teeth.

Imagine eating your favorite foods without any worries – that’s what this treatment lets you do.

Recovery from Teeth In A Day is usually faster and smoother than with traditional dentures or other dental prosthetics. You don’t have to spend months getting used to them or deal with constant adjustments.

Plus, these implants can stop bone loss, keeping your jaw strong and healthy. It feels like getting a set of natural teeth back again, helping you smile, eat, and speak confidently right away.

Suitable candidates for the treatment

If you’re missing a lot of teeth or need to replace an entire set, top or bottom, the Teeth-In-A-Day procedure could be just what you need. It’s a great option for people who currently wear dentures but want something more permanent.

Picture yourself with stable, natural-looking teeth and no more worries about dentures that don’t fit right.

Don’t stress about the price. There are several payment plans available to make things easier on your budget. You can choose interest-free options for six months or go with longer-term plans that spread out payments up to 96 months.

Also, if you’ve been avoiding dental work because of fear of a long recovery time, there’s good news: recovering from Teeth-In-A-Day implants tends to be quicker and less complicated than other types of full arch replacements.

Why Choose Precision Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for Teeth In A Day Dental Implant Treatment?

A happy patient showing off their new smile in a modern dental office.

At Precision Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Mohamed El-Ounsi leads the way in giving you a brand-new smile quickly. With top-notch technology and a personal touch, every patient feels at home and confident in their care.

Expertise and qualifications of Dr. El-Ounsi

Dr. Mohamed El-Ounsi stands out in oral surgery. His educational journey began with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in pharmacology. But he didn’t stop there. Attending dental school at New York University College of Dentistry, he advanced his career even further.

His residency at NYU Langone and Bellevue Hospital honed his expertise, where he served as Chief Resident.

His abilities extend beyond his impressive education. Dr. El-Ounsi is celebrated for successfully placing thousands of dental implants, surpassing many specialists and dentists. He is also a member of leading professional organizations and holds prestigious certifications like Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support among others.

If you’re looking to enhance your smile, consider the advantages of cutting-edge facilities and technology under his care.

Advanced facilities and technology

We use the newest tools and ways to stand out. Our dental office has the latest digital images to put in implants just right, making sure your new teeth fit perfectly. With the All-on-4® technique, we can replace a whole set of teeth with only four implants—a big change in fixing teeth.

Our place is made for you to feel safe and comfortable. From sleeping medicine to being ready for any health needs, we make every part of your treatment meet top standards. This not only helps you heal faster but also lets you get new permanent teeth in one day.

Personalized and compassionate care

Moving from our high-tech facilities, the journey doesn’t stop there. At Precision Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we deeply understand that every smile is unique. This belief guides our approach to your care.

From the moment you walk through our doors for teeth implants or any dental service, Dr. Mohamed El-Ounsi and his team greet you with warmth and understanding. They listen to your concerns, dreams for a brighter smile, and health goals.

Dr. El-Ounsi crafts a treatment plan just for you using scans of your mouth for precision. This plan isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s as unique as you are. After removing diseased teeth, he ensures you leave with a temporary but convincing version of your new smile that same day—a true testament to personalized care here at Precision Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Throughout the healing process after implant surgery, regular dental visits allow us to monitor progress and adjust as needed until your permanent prosthetic teeth secure firmly onto the implants—every step taken with compassion at heart.

Successful patient outcomes

After focusing on personal and kind care, we see great results in our patients. They leave with smiles that look and feel just like their real teeth. This quick and effective process lets them enjoy their new smiles right away.

No long waiting or many visits needed.

Our patients say they feel much more confident after the procedure. They can eat, laugh, and talk just like before with their original teeth. With a shorter recovery time than old methods, they get back to daily life quicker.

Plus, these new smiles are made to last for a long time with the right care.

Conclusion and Contact Us

Teeth in a Day changes smiles fast. Dr. Mohamed El-Ounsi at Precision Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery makes it happen with skill. This treatment gives you new teeth quickly, without waiting months.

It saves your smile and lets you eat what you love again. Our team uses the latest tech to make sure you feel comfortable every step of the way.

Ready for a big change? Contact us to set up a time to talk about your new smile!


1. What are “Teeth in a Day” dental implants?

“Teeth in a Day” is a speedy way to replace missing teeth with new, implant-supported ones. In just one day, you can get new teeth without the long wait traditional implants may require.

2. How do same-day dental implants work?

During the procedure, a dental professional places the dental implants and attaches temporary teeth to them right away. Over time, these are replaced with your new permanent teeth once the implants have fully healed.

3. Can anyone get “Teeth in a Day”?

Not everyone’s oral health is right for this treatment. It’s best to schedule a consultation with Dr.—or another skilled oral surgeon—to see if it fits your needs.

4. Are “Teeth in a Day” as strong as natural teeth?

Yes! Once secured to the implants and fully healed, your new teeth will feel like natural ones—allowing you to eat, talk, and smile confidently again.

5. What should I expect after getting my new dental implants?

After placing your dental implants, there might be a short healing period where soft food is recommended. But don’t worry—we’ll guide you every step of the way until those temporary teeth become permanent!

6. How long do these dental implant treatments last?

With proper care and good oral hygiene, your new smile could last a lifetime! Remember to follow up with your dentist regularly to keep everything looking great.


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